Join the modern leader movement

Meet your genius.
Play to your strengths.
Level up your team.


Music drives Mindset to generate Momentum!  


Bypass the overwhelm and go beyond desire, determination and hard work to unleash your potential within. As a team, you deserve to connect with yourselves, each other, and the patients you serve. 

You know the feeling you get when you hear your favorite song on the radio, you know the one. Music holds the chapters of our lives from troubles to triumphs.  When we pause to soundtrack and take note we give honor to our journey.

Music harnesses the soundtrack to our genius and can be the hidden permission we seek to unleash our true potential.

Music is life, living and breathing alongside us to say I got you, I hear you, or YOU can do this!

“From as far back as I can remember music has been a part of my evolution all the while connecting me to where I was and who I wanted to be.”

– Tracy Butler – Master Visionaire


Lorie - Office Manager

The DJ Your WHY Team Experience was very profound and eye-opening for me.  I thought I knew everything about each individual.  I was only seeing them from a limited view. 

We were able to quickly recognize where our team was missing truly connecting.  When we created our TEAM PLAYLIST we began to truly gel together and appreciate each others strengths. 

I was embarrassed to admit that I was just surviving and now as a team we are thriving. It was an eye-opening realization for me and I’m excited that I turned that around!


Dr. Eric - Dentist

I was searching for a gift to give my team that would highlight their true passion and bring us together as a team.  The morning huddles full of my dad jokes weren’t cutting it.  I could tell that we were in a rut, including myself. We have done many team building exercises in the past and nothing compares to DJ your WHY.  I’ve been to enough CE’s and listened to enough podcasts to bore me. This experience has allowed me to connect with my team on a level I didn’t even know was possible. We now have a foundation to build a healthy, thriving and caring culture. We now understand and relate to one another. I’ve seen more influx in individuals awareness and they share their joy with the patients.  


Lindsey - Hygienist

At first this was hard for me to allow myself to let go and be vulnerable.  I didn’t want to be judged or labeled.  The DJ Your WHY Challenge turned out to be the just what I needed to breakthrough. I found my voice, my passion, my genius and I have a kickin’ mixtape to prove it! I now look forward to team gatherings and now what direction I am headed professionally and how that benefits the growth of the practice. Although I am soft spoken and a wall-flower, my team, and family could tell that I had grew as a person and saw an extra pep in my step that has been lagging for quite some time. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to have fun while learning about a side of me I had buried.